Monday, March 30, 2009

The First Vision

So this week I was being a little lazy in my scripture study.  I had got home late one week night, and didn't want to stay up late and "study" my scriptures.  However, I was still being selfish and want some good spiritual content.  I flipped through a few verses that I liked, but nothing really took.  Then I randomly decided to reread the first vision in the Joseph Smith History in the Pearl of Great Price.  It was good; everything I expected it to be. 
After reading it I thought, "I should pray, pray for a witness that this is true."  I already knew it was true, I have a testimony of it.  I wasn't doubting my prior personal revelations, I just knew it was always good to get a refresher.  After my prayer, I laid down on my bed just to think and ponder.  Well it happened to be around 12:30 at night by this point, and probably 5 minutes into my "pondering" and waiting for a witness I fell asleep for 20 minutes.  Needless to say I didn't get too much out of it at that time.
Sunday rolls around, and it was fast Sunday.  I was sitting in church listening to the various testimonies, and I thought, "Hey, I still haven't gotten my answer.  That's not fair."  As I sat and felt the Spirit in the chapel, I was just flooded with thoughts of Joseph Smith and the Restoration, and that's when it hit me, again, this is all true.  Now I will share some of the thoughts I had.
The restoration was not a chance happening or random event in history.  I was planned by our loving Heavenly Father.  It was all a part of His plan of happiness, to help His children reach their divine potential on earth.  Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.  He was often ridiculed, and mocked for what he believe in, but he never back down.  He worked hard and was humbled often, but this was only motivation to press on in the work of our Lord.  His desire was to share the Gospel message with all and let everyone receive the blessings the Lord is willing to offer to the righteous.  Through his efforts, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price were all published so that people around the world could share in the great message these books had to offer.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has become a world wide force for truth, and light, and good.  I know it shares a message of love and hope.  Our Savior, Jesus Christ loved us so much He made the ultimate sacrifice, Himself.  His atonement, death, and resurrection allows us that we may one day return to live with Him.  He was our perfect example in life, and in death, and I know that He lives!  He is my brother, my Savior, and my advocate with the Father.  I  have divine nature and am of infinite worth.  Mediocrity is simply not an option.    

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