Monday, February 2, 2009

Who's on the Lord Side Who?

So I am taking a genealogy class.  I partly took it because my mom once told me I should, and I partly took it because I was curious.  Well 3 weeks into the class and I already feel like I am drowning.  It has more homework, things to memorize, and all sorts of other fun stuff than just about all my other classes combined.  Now I am not complaining, but merely stating a fact.  However, I find it fully intriguing that my classes this semester overlap in content, a lot.  In family history, we were talking about the coming of Elijah to the Kirtland temple in 1936 and him restoring the sealing keys to the earth.  Well sure enough we have talked about the same thing in my Doctrine and Covenants class, but here is where the story comes...
Last week I had to make a four generation chart for my family history class.  I sort of left it until the last minute assuming the lab would be open because the engineering labs are open 24/7.  Nope,  I got there at 8:00 pm, and the lab had closed at 5:00.  For most people this wouldn't be a problem because they could just download the windows based paf (personal ancestral file) program and do the work from home.  Unfortunately I have a mac, and that just doesn't work.  I downloaded the program from a flash drive and thought I was running it off that.  However 30 minutes into my work I see note pop up telling me not to download programs onto the computer.  Well by the time I got it to go away, I looked at my file and had lost my grandpa's entire line, which was at least 14 generations worth of work.  Amazingly I was able to remain calm, and just dropped the assignment for the night.  
However it got me thinking, that was something that happened me to discourage me from pushing the work of the Lord forward in the spirit world.  I would almost be as so bold to say that it was the devil screwing with the computer...grr.  There is opposition in all things. (2 Nephi 2:11)  The devil is a true force of evil in this world.  He is out there and he is real.  We need to do all we can to stay on the Lord's side of the line.  The battle of good and evil is a real thing, like or not.  Now is the time to choose if which side of the war we are fighting on.  When we return to Heavenly Father we will be able to agree with Paul and say, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:"  (2 Timothy 4:7).  I hope that I will be able to say that I have kept the faith, and done all I could to stand up for the Lord's side and win this epic battle of good vs. evil.  
(PS I did end up getting my homework finished the next morning because I am sure you are all wondering ;) )

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